This past week Shawn and Juliet (my little brother and sister, for those of you who don’t know) were one of the few lucky kids who were invited by The MOMs to attend an advance screening of fall’s new hottest family film- Hotel Transylvania! And at the end of the film, we were all treated to an exclusive Q&A with the voice of the bride of Frankenstein – Fran Drescher!

Now, I grew up with the nasal -er- dulcet tones of Fran Fine ringing in my ears. In fact, I didn’t even have to guess which character Fran was voicing- I knew it the minute the big-haired, blue-skinned, bride of Frankenstein appeared on the screen. And being the awesomest older sister ever, I’ve gladly shared and cultivated proper Fran Fine fans in Shawn and Juliet – that way they were equally excited when they heard they were going to get to meet her in person!

Now for the movie. Dracula, owner of Hotel Transylvania – a lavish resort dedicated to providing a safe haven to monsters- has invited all his monster friends (hello invisible man, Frankenstein, the blob, and other classic scaries) to celebrate his daughter Mabel’s 118th birthday. However, Dracula’s plans to keep Mavis safe from the human world go awry when the hotel is visited by Jonathan – a human, who’s unlike anything Dracula ever expected.

I have to say, Hotel Transylvania is one of those adorable films that you just can’t wait for it to come out on DVD so you can add it to your home movie collection. It was like Father of the Bride met the Halloween section in Party City, and had a movie love child. It was cute, it was funny, it was heartfelt, and it was wildly entertaining. Shawn and Juliet loved it and are demanding to see it again when it hits theaters.
After the movie, we had a chance to talk to Fran. She was so nice (and yes the voice is real) – and had a lot to say about making Hotel Transylvania, as well as her Cancer Schmancer non-profit and the Trash Cancer movement- an initiative started by Cancer Schmancer designed to support people in cleaning their home of toxins and cancer-causing agents. I don’t know about toxins, but I was having The Nanny flashbacks involving Fran, Mr.Sheffield, Sylvia, Grandma Yetta, and Gracie.
Shawn, Juliet, and I had such a great time and absolutely LOVED Hotel Transylvania! We’re seriously going to go see it again- we all gave it a five star review, so be sure to head to your local theater and see it yourself – you’ll love it! Hotel Transylvania opens the weekend of September 28th.
[youtube=]*Disclosure: I was invited to the advanced screening of Hotel Transylvania by the lovely Melissa and Denise of The MOMs. No other compensation was provided.