So I’m really proud to join One Busy Moma and Miki’s Hope, along with 25 other bloggers for this 2nd Annual Bloggers Giving Back Baskets for Babes Giveaway! Anyways, to enterĀ and check out the giveaway (and super easy rafflecopter entry form) click here! You can win a Freshwater Pearl Necklace along with Appraisal Certificate and Cleaning Kit!! ARV $210 – Appraised at $1100!! As well as a $50 Gift Code to Wall Candy Arts, and one Alphabeast!
This giveaway is supporting a really great cause- Sheri, from One Busy Mama, gathers donations to help out Nashville families during the holidays. Here’s a little bit about what she does:
Every year for Easter and Christmas we start collecting donations to help families in need. These are the two most important holiday’s to me as they are so much more for the children than anything. It is important that our children still have beliefs and as a parent who has struggled in the past I know all to well what it is like to have that fear that we will not be able to provide something for our children to keep those belief’s alive!Last year we gave out 14 Easter Baskets to kids in the Nashville area who might not have had one otherwise. Click Here to see pictures… One of the things I heard the most when talking to the parents was they were also struggling for Easter Dinner. So this year we are striving to help at least 5 families with Easter Baskets and at least a $25 Gift Card each so they can get some things for Easter Dinner!!
You can donate to help support Baskets for Babes by going to One Busy Mama’s page and clicking on the widget located on her right sidebar (she uses this widget to accept donations for various needs, so make sure to note your donation as “Baskets for Babes”).
So what are you waiting for?! Head over to Sheri’s blog for a chance to win!