Are you a connoisseur of Mexican cuisine? Whether part of your heritage or a new menu avenue you’d like to explore, join us for the #VivaLaMorena Pinterest Party! We’ll be celebrating the flavors of Mexican meals, your recipes made better with quality, authentic Mexican products like La Morena!
To add a flavorful twist , when you join the party and chat with us on Saturday, November 15th at 12pm ET, we’ll let you in on a not so little secret, a $1000 secret, in fact! We’ll be announcing the #VivaLaMorena Sweepstakes that you won’t want to miss because the grand prize is a $1000 pre-paid Visa card! Shhhh, we’ll be unveiling a secret code during the chat for you to use for a second chance to win big!
- Meet hosts Candy, Jenetta, Maggie, and Krista
- Hosts will add Pins with questions to the #VivaLaMorena Pinterest Party Board
- Chat with us by commenting on the Pins.
- Find new Pins and conversations throughout Party by refreshing the Board.
- Find something you’d love to try – save it by Re-Pinning to your Boards!
- Watch for the Secret Code which will only be available during the party!
Can’t wait to join in the fun?