I’m so excited! Having been raised in a family where both my parents were Star Wars fans, is it any wonder that everyone in my house can recite almost all the lines of almost all the Star Wars films? Except for one – Star Wars: The Force Awakens – we saw it twice in the theater and now that it’s out on DVD we can finally get to memorizing our favorite bits! Check out the trailer for the DVD, Blu-Ray & Digital HD release below:
To celebrate the release of Star Wars The Force Awakens, we’ve got some awesome character cut-outs for you! Print these out on a thick paper or cardstock and use them for Star Wars themed birthday or viewing parties. Or, if you’re like me, keep one on your bookshelf next to your happily growing collection of Star Wars DVDs!
Star Wars BB8 Cutout, Kylo Ren Cutout, Star Wars Captain Phasma Cutout, Star Wars: The Force Awakens Storm Trooper Cutout, and Star Wars Storm Trooper & Chewie Cutout
Can’t get enough of Star Wars The Force Awakens? Neither can we! Feeling inspired we’ve created a darth dark look based on the movie:
Pick up this caped dress from Hot Topic and give Kylo Ren a run for his money! Come over to the dark side and pair it up with some vampy nails and spiked liner from Marc Jacobs.
Not ready to go all out? We like to pay homage to one of our favorite series by wearing graphic tops like this one from JCPenney. If you’re a fan, you’ll love their Star Wars collection – they’ve got such fun pieces!
Have you ordered your DVD yet? If not, what’re you waiting for?! If you have here’s what you can expect:
What was your favorite scene from this box-office breaking hit?