Reasons Why You Should Eat a Cupcake Today, and Giveaway Winner!

Wow! I received the funniest and sweetest reasons to eat a cupcake on my most recent blog giveaway, so I thought I’d share them here as well as post who won the giveaway:

1. My favorite reason to eat a cupcake is for the great taste! – Marilyn

2. I love licking the icing off the top before eatin it! – Paula

3. I’ve never needed a reason to eat a cupcake. If it’s there, I’m eating it! – Susan

4. My biggest reason for eating a cupcake – purely selfish deliciousness! – Melissa

5. My favorite reason to eat a cupcake is for the sugar rush – Christine

6. My favorite reason to eat a cupcake is that I can eat the WHOLE thing without feeling too guilty! – Kim

7. It makes me feel like a kid! – Ani

8. Reason I like : Because it tastes better than a radish! – Nancy

9. Because eating a whole cake would be too much work for my thighs at the gym the next day – Deanna

10. My favorite reason to eat a cupcake is because I can!! I’m alive and kicking!! – Elissa

11. To treat myself of course! 🙂 – Kellie

12. My reason to eat a cupcake is because I love sweets! – Jackie

13. My fave reason to eat a cupcake, not that i ever needed a reason to eat something that looked this for the great taste – Diane

14. My favorite reason to eat a cupcake? ….just the decadent feeling of being young again…eating a whole miniature cake! – Mary

15. I love the frosting!! – Brittney

16. I like the first one – “Because it tastes better than a radish” – Kimberly

17. My reason to eat a cupcake, it could be having people over, a birthday, a holiday, a Friday, a happy day, need a pick me up day. I guess I could always find a reason to have a cupcake – Frugaluser

18. My favorite is #3 — It makes you feel like a kid! – Marija

19. Because it makes me feel like a kid! – Mechele

20. I woke up and said, “I’m worth it! – Emily

21. My favorite reason is cause they are Delicious!! 🙂 – Claire

22. Their reason, Because it taste better than a radish, is great. My reason is for the shear pleasure! – Ger

23. I like eating a cupcake for the taste and texture. – Barbara

24. Never a reason needed! I love them! – Kendra

25. Because mass transit was on time. Since that is so rare, it’s cause for celebration when it does happen! – Stacie

26. I would eat a cupcake because it looks delicious! – Char

27. Eating a sexy red velvet makes you feel sexy. Now I really am hungry. – Michelle

28. Because you had your heart broken – Jessica

29. My favorite reason to eat a cupcake is that I feel like a kid everytime! Each little morsel is like a morsel of childhood. ;D – Rhea

30. My fave reason to eat a cupcake is because it is a day that ends in Y – Robin

31. It makes you feel like a kid! – Julie

32. My favorite reason to eat a cupcake is it makes me feel like a kid. – Beckee

33. My favorite reason to eat a cupcake is I love cupcakes!!! – Sue

34. My favorite reason to have a cupcake is because I had a bad day. Sugar makes me happy! – Sand

35. The reason to eat a cupcake is…. because it’s there – & cupcakes just naturally make me feel… good!!! – 1955nurse

I love all these reasons for eating cupcakes! In fact I’d like pretty much all of these on a t-shirt. Unfortunately I can only have one winner, which after reading these comments I was really torn up about. Still, I decided not to feel so bad about it because I’ll definitely be doing another giveaway in the near future. So chosen through, the winner for a day and a giveaway: the lower east side is … Rhea! Congrats Rhea, and for those who didn’t win, stick around because you do get an extra entry in my next giveaway because you entered this one! Happy cupcake munching!

1 Comment

  1. March 10, 2012 / 10:01 pm


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