This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #WhenImHungry #CollectiveBias
Who are you when you’re hungry? Personally, I want to say something really eery like “your worst nightmare” (*inserts batman voice*) – but something tells me that would sound more creepy than adorably cheesy. But the fact of the matter is that when I’m hungry I tend to do things that I normally wouldn’t. Like walk four miles to get lunch, or completely forget my term paper on the counter at home. Eventually I wised up to the hunger issue and now I always keep a stash of SNICKERS® around!
The summer of last year my sister and I were at the beach, we ended up staying the whole day – which meant our limited store of snacks were gone before lunch came around. I started to get a little hangry, you know that potent combination of hunger and crankiness brought on by lack of snackage, and the only place to get food was miles away. So what did I do? Instead of patiently waiting until we got back to our B&B, I walked four miles to the local convenience store where I loaded up on ice tea and a pile of SNICKERS®. Four miles! In the summer heat! In flip-flops! Oy. I’m not going to even mention my sunburn.
The craziness doesn’t end there – when I’m hungry I have a habit of texting my bestie every single food emoji on my phone, it’s as if my texting etiquette falls by the wayside when I’m suffering from hunger. The worst texts are on days where I’m stuck in class or overwhelmed with work and I forget to eat until it’s too late. Luckily for me SNICKERS® is around no matter what is on my plate!
Of course now I keep a SNICKERS® in my purse, on a jar on my desk, in the fridge, and in the drawer in the table by the door. And when I run out I swing by CVS and pick up some more.
So who are you when you’re hungry? Do you get hangry? Do you forget things (like your grip on reality – because who walks four miles in the middle of July!?)? Let me know! See more great SNICKERS® recipes and fun stories on the SNICKERS® social hub.
Enter the SNICKERS® “Who are you when you’re hungry?” contest by uploading a personal photo or video from your Computer, Facebook, Instagram or use the SNICKERS® Meme Generator to create something new! Voting begins at Noon on 5/11/15 and ends at 11:59:59AM ET on 7/15/15.