I’ve been feeling a little under the weather recently, mostly due to my allergies. So this weekend I stopped by Duane Reade to pick up a few products that I feel made my life a little healthier and certainly a lot happier. I love how Duane Reade recently came out with a Happy and Healthy magazine, for me this makes finding sales and products I love that much more easy. My mom and sisters and I poured over the mag in the window at my local Duane Reade – it just seems nicer to be able to see extra information on products, I like being able to become more familiar with an item before I make the commitment of purchasing it. Plus, it included loads of ways to garner Balance Rewards points – right now if you spend $30 on select Duane Reade items you can score 5,000 points!
The Duane Reade that I went to is my all time favorite Duane Reade in the city, it’s located in the theater district and has the coolest beauty section ever! I noticed that Fergie’s new line of cosmetics with Wet n Wild was on sale (with Fergie being on the cover of the DR Happy and Healthy guide), and I spotted them pretty quickly. I’ve already purchased most of the line, and I have to say the nail polish she created is super glamorous!
I wandered around for a while looking for the apple chips that were featured in the magazine, but alas I couldn’t find them – but I did stumble upon the Delish Probiotic Snacks! My most recent foray into a healthier lifestyle has included a lot of trail mix, dried fruits, and nuts – so it’s always nice to try something new and good for you.
I ended up in the frozen foods section (I always end up there, I’m a sucker for prepackaged foods – especially the one’s from Duane Reade’s Delish line). I couldn’t decide between the hot dog puffs and the spanakopita – I decided on the spanakopita because I’ve had real authentic handmade spanakopita and I’m super curious about how the Delish version will compare with the real thing. The spanakopita doesn’t exactly fall under the healthy category, but it certainly makes me happy!
Speaking of happy, I was searching determinedly for Studio 35’s face masks. I spotted them almost immediately in the Happy and Healthy mag on sale for 5 for $5! I had a hard time locating them and was distracted by all the beauty products – I literally could spend hours in the Look boutique of my Duane Reade. Finally, a helpful sales associate led me to the masks – which I picked up every kind of. My sisters are so excited to use these, they’re a great way to promote healthier skin – plus throw in a good movie and some healthy snacks and you’ve got the ultimate girls night in! For me, well, I plan on using these to sooth my skin and to feel less icky.
I picked up some other items on my way out, like Dr.Ken’s all natural toothpaste which was a steal at $1.79 – it usually costs $7! Our final stop was at the drinks section, we quickly spotted the Nice! drinks – which are advertised in the Happy and Healthy mag as buy two ($0.99 each) and get one free, a deal that we totally capitalized on. These have zero carbs and no sugar – and taste great. They’re one of my favorite soda alternatives, and I was so grateful to see them on sale!
I always use my balance rewards card at the end, I think I just love seeing the total decrease so rapidly, lol! To check out my whole shopping trip, take a gander at my album here. It was great to get my hands on so many products that I knew would totally make me feel better – there’s nothing like having terrible allergies, and I was so looking forward to munching on my healthy snacks and relaxing with a face mask!
My Duane Reade bag, and later my Nice! drink fueling my shopping at Whole Foods in Columbus Circle
Have you picked up Duane Reade’s new Happy and Healthy guide? If not, check it out here! What products make you happy, or bring you closer to a healthier lifestyle? Let me know in the comments below!
*I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® and Duane Reade. #DRHappyHealthy #cbias #SocialFabric
You really scored on this trip! Its too bad you couldn’t find everything you’d hoped for but what a fun location to shop at! I can’t blame you for tarrying in the Look Boutique – the selection is fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing your finds 🙂